That Feeling When Our Voices Meet – 2020

Tues 15th Dec 2020
Live performance on Zoom

Lockdown 1, 2, now tier 3… We haven’t been together in person for so long, but together we’ve found that there’s a warmth in our sound like a hug, and we’re surrounded. 
Together we have been building a fire. 
Our twigs made of vowels and plosives. Whooshes and whispers, sent into our screens. Our logs made of melodies composed whilst muted. Our firelighters the harmonies hung in the air above our mobile phones. 
Fire, fire, fire, glow.
Fire, fire, fire, grow.  

On Tuesday 15th December we performed That feeling when our voices meet online via Zoom to an audience of over 150 people. For three months Many Minds members, Verity Standen (composer), Viki Browne (director) and Jack Drewry (sound design) work together to co-create a performance made for Zoom, blending recorded music and devised performance.  

For the first time, we used Creative Captions during the performance of the show as well as live captioning for the introductions and Q&A. We are trying to make our performances and welcome any feedback from members of the D/deaf community. See our trailer for the show below:

What audiences said:

“The popping faces over in the middle section surprised me and made me laugh. I also loved the moments where spotlights were used to create the atmosphere of the music. I also really enjoyed the creative captions, they definitely added to the experience of the music and performance.”

“The music was really evocative and mesmerising. The light and shade that the performers brought to the scenes drew me in. The contrast of the everyday and the surreal.”